Sunday, August 19, 2012

有时想,朋友会比情人好吗? 朋友就能一辈子地对彼此好,从不埋怨。以前都会被你疼爱,现在原来成为了你的负担。出去不像以前一样的甜蜜。就不喜欢你对我凶。如果你能对朋友好过情人,我有时候真的很希望继续做你的朋友。。。

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Still feeling uncomfortable the fact that you went mj with them , or rather , with her . I know it's nothing wrong , she's your friend , and you guys are in a group but I just can't help it but to feel uncomfortable. I always leave it to you if you wanna go out with them . I don't wish to be unreasonable either . When can I be more " 大方" enough and not to feel uncomfortable when she is there ? I'm not a fool , not a fool enough to act as if nothin happen even if all those that she scolded me on were the past. Not a fool enough to believe that she was not scolding me

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Awesome! Term break! To be exact, it only last for a month, but who cares?! But at least I'm free from studying for a moment! (:

Time for me to get back to work to earn some allowance for myself again. Not used to this kind of life, still prefer the independent side of mine. (;